Current status:
I'm in the cafe at work, with about 50 screaming colleagues. Two more 4's have been scored since I started writing. There is so much screaming that Sush says she'll get a headache. Even those who I wouldn't expect to get pumped about cricket are on the edge of their seats. Plastic bottles are being hit against the chairs to make noise (an impressive amount too) and someone has a whistle of some sort. Now they are cheering maaaro, maro (hit, hit)!!!!!!
It's great to see everyone smiling and laughing. "India, जीतेगा" (India, जीकीगा) This is 'India will win!'
It's half time. I'm off to the gym

India vs. Pakistan, 24th Sep '07 | |
Ind 128/4(17.3) | RR: 7.31 Gambhir* 74(52), Sharma 5(6) Last 2 overs : 1 2 . 1 1 1 | 1 1 6 | | |
I'm in the cafe at work, with about 50 screaming colleagues. Two more 4's have been scored since I started writing. There is so much screaming that Sush says she'll get a headache. Even those who I wouldn't expect to get pumped about cricket are on the edge of their seats. Plastic bottles are being hit against the chairs to make noise (an impressive amount too) and someone has a whistle of some sort. Now they are cheering maaaro, maro (hit, hit)!!!!!!
It's great to see everyone smiling and laughing. "India, जीतेगा" (India, जीकीगा) This is 'India will win!'
It's half time. I'm off to the gym
Ind 157/5(20) | RR: 7.85
Rohit Sharma 30(16), Pathan* 3(3)
Last 2 Overs: 4 4 2 1 . 2 | 2 6 1 1 2
I was surprised to find a parking lot full of people. PWC had organized a projection of the game on the outside of the building and there were a few hundred people watching. This included our drivers.
Manoj: Maam, you go gym?
Alexa: Yes
Manoj: OK, you tell me and we go home.
Alexa: We can wait until after the game.
Manoj: (giant smile) OK Maam!
After the gym, I joined some colleagues at Below 8. It was packed and they were handing out shots for every wicket down or whenever something important occurred. The shots tended to be very brightly colored and lucky for me they were sour instead of sweet.
Preeti came down, camera in hand and I immediately asked to borrow it so I could take pics outside. What a scene. Everyone wanted their pic taken. Then I ran into Thomas and the drivers started orchestrating who should be in what picture.
Rohit Sharma 30(16), Pathan* 3(3)
Last 2 Overs: 4 4 2 1 . 2 | 2 6 1 1 2
I was surprised to find a parking lot full of people. PWC had organized a projection of the game on the outside of the building and there were a few hundred people watching. This included our drivers.
Manoj: Maam, you go gym?
Alexa: Yes
Manoj: OK, you tell me and we go home.
Alexa: We can wait until after the game.
Manoj: (giant smile) OK Maam!
After the gym, I joined some colleagues at Below 8. It was packed and they were handing out shots for every wicket down or whenever something important occurred. The shots tended to be very brightly colored and lucky for me they were sour instead of sweet.
Preeti came down, camera in hand and I immediately asked to borrow it so I could take pics outside. What a scene. Everyone wanted their pic taken. Then I ran into Thomas and the drivers started orchestrating who should be in what picture.
When the game ended Rajiv was pumped. We agreed on staying in Gurgaon and Dave took us to K2, a Korean karaoke restaurant. Let's just say I woke up the next morning and my throat hurt. Madonna never sounded so good!