Indian Airlines- Flight no. 854 departing for Dehli
First time to India. I spent two weeks in Australia before coming to India and talked to friends about what I expected it to be like when I arrived in Delhi. I'd talked to a bunch of people before coming over and was told of the color and the sound and the smell and the number of people and the food. All I could expect was to feel a blast of all of these upon walking out of the airport and I wondered how I could save that initial impression and keep it forever as a memory of the vunerability of moving to a new place.
Despite all my anticipation of being enveloped by new surroundings, the exit was less eventful than I expected. A sign with my name was easily spotted and as I exited, I heard my name being called and turned around to find my new roomates, Karen and Durand. They made my arrival and adjustment easier than I could have ever wished for, including a great first meal at Pujabi by Nature. Oh the paneer!